Saturday, May 2, 2009

Seriously....what the fuck?

Well....the last day or two has been extremely bad, it is easily the worst run of luck I have ever is so sick and it's not just me, it's Pete as well, we literally can not win a race, I think my J-9 beat a-10 all in pre flop heads up, that's all I can remember. I've had AK or AQ vs the pair around 25 times and I think I've won one, maybeeeee two. Oh and I keep getting coolered, I've been on the end of the KK vs their AA about 4 times, not only that. Blind vs blind, he limps, I check with 56, flops 556 and of course he has 66, I've flopped the king high flush vs ace high flush a few times, set vs bigger set, over pair vs set. I've flopped a set vs an over pair twice and both times they have hit their 2 outer. And I can't win a 35/65, a 40/60, anything, everytime I'm down under 10BBs I start shoving and whenever I get looked up, I have two live cards and I lose, this is the worst run I have ever experience, when when I was 36 tabling on Stars I didn't experience anything this bad. What's really sick is that we had the BR up to 1050 two days ago, we finally got past the 1k mark which we were happy about and then this fucking shit started. Now the BR sits at just under 880 + a $26 token. A 30 buy in or so downswing, so fucking sick and whenever we have stuck in the money behind we have had the fold equity or we have been pot commited. I needed to write this blog otherwise I'd keep playing more and the way I am running and the way I am tilted...It wouldnt be a good thing, so I'm going to get this blog done and watch some old school Supernatural, oh speakin of Supernatural, two more episodes until the end of the season and I can't fucking wait! Every episode is getting better and better and the sneak peak they gave of the upcoming two episodes is unreal.

Last blog I said I was playing the APL State Finals and I did and I busted in like 30 mins or so. A bad TD decision (IMO) cost me a pretty big pot, few hands later with the blinds 50/100, 4 limpers to my BB and I've got 1.8k left or so, i make it 1k straight with KK, one caller who leaves himself with about 1.5k in chips (great set mining odds by the way....), flops 10-8-2, I move in, he snap calls with 10's and I'm out. Ah well, played 4 $10 SNGs down there and won 3, the play there was pretty bad. Top 2 got paid every SNG, in one SNG when it was 3 handed and the button folded, I shoved every hand and the BB folded, he was that tight, after about 5 move ins, he folded pocket 8's face up with a third of his stack in for the BB....things like this make me wonder how I didn't win all 4, after that a few of us Coasties drove back up to Woy Woy to play the $22 and half my table was drunk, which I usually don't have a problem with but one guy was just a real asshole, I was pretty close to just getting up and leaving he was that bad. Anyway, ran KK into AA with the effective stacks of under 10 BBs and that was that. Hopefully Ill put a new blog up soon when Im off tilt and our BR is back over 1k. If this luck keeps up we will broke soon, it's that bad.