Friday, April 17, 2009

First Blog In A While

There's the current graph, up above $650, we are going pretty well, we are playing only $5's and $6's at the moment due to a pretty bad run just before the 1,000 game mark but we've decided to start mixing in some $10's and $11's when the BR hits around $850, so another $50 or so because it's hanging around the $800 mark at the moment. I've been using my dads computer downstairs a lot lately because his computer doesn't lag at all so I can play upto 12 tables at once, that's a reason why we have gotten through a bucketload of games since my last blog and also because Pete is starting to play 6 tables at once as well. I didn't play today, instead I thought I'd get myself into the poker domination mood by watching Rounders and High Roller: The Stu Ungar Story, both are awesome poker movies in my opinion and probably two of the best in the genre, it was the first time I've watched Rounders in a little over a year and I almost forgot how much of a bad ass movie it is! It is awesome, I could watch it over and over again. Well tomorrow is the APL State Finals, I am pretty excited about it and I hope I do good and finish top 16 so I can get a seat into the next APL $500,000 event but I will have to play really good and I will have to win my fair share of races as States usually attract a field of around 500 players or so. Rego starts at 9:30am, its a 90 min therefore I will have to be awake early which is something I'm not used to haha so I am hoping that doesn't effect my performance during the day. Last night I went down to Ourimbah RSL to play poker in the Texas Hold'Em Poker Australia league and it seems like the guy running it must have read my blog about how bad their structure is because he gave us all an extra 2,000 in chips to start with and then another 2,000 at the break which was pretty cool. Nothing to exciting happened, flopped a flush vs the ace high flush draw vs top pair to win a nice sized pot. Then I bluffed a guy with The Bowdich (6-2) on a board of AK1098, was pretty funny because once the river hit he asked me how many chips I had left, I said 9,200, he cut out 9.200 from his stack and thought for about 30 seconds before faking throwing them in, then he laughed and checked....then I shoved and he folded. I made the final table and I busted in 7th when some young maniac shoved UTG for like 40k? I only had 18k with the blinds at 2k/4k and about to be 3k/6k so I called with A-Q, he had K-J off and turned a K to send me out the door. Well tonight I get my last chance of live poker before State at Woy Woy, I'm picking up Robbie and Benny on the way....that should make it a funny car trip haha. I don't want to name names but the worst player I have ever played against plays at Woy or live, he is the worst I've played against, the thing that makes it really bad is that he acts like he knows what he is doing, he even took a swipe at me on Tuesday at Umina when I called his bet on the river after it was checked down to the river, I had 8's, board rolled out 9-7-7-5-2 no flush possible, I checked to him, he bet like 1.2k into a pot of 2.5k and I called, then he said something along the lines of "big call with 8's with an overcard on the board" and rolled his eyes. I found it pretty funny a few hands before, flop came out KQJ all clubs, the BB shoves for about 2.6k into a pot of 400 and the same guy snap calls with 10-6 off suit with the 10 of clubs (after he limped in in early position) anyway he rivered the Ace of clubs for a Royal Flush and then he started jumping and down as if he accomplished something that involved skill....but anyway, he's a really nice guy. Oh and Pete, after re-watching High Roller: The Stu Ungar Story there is no doubt in my mind that if he were alive today, he would bend Tom Dwan over the poker table and take millions off him before Dwan even knew what happened. Hopefully I will have another blog soon re-capping The State Titles and my heroic win :) haha

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