Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Theres the current graph. Was going good today, got the bankroll back up to around 520 thanks to a win in an $11 turbo and some $6 turbos as well. But then I played one more $11 and two more $6s and didn't cash in any, that's the spike down right at the end :( Pete's playing now so hopefully he goes alright. I don't know why but I'm liking the turbo's at the moment, I'm usually against them but I don't know haha, I guess because the turbo's get to the end game quicker and I think I got a pretty big edge in that department against most guys around the $5-$10 stake. The last $11 turbo I played was pretty sick. Took a cheap flop on the button with QJ spades, flop came QJ3 with the QJ of hearts, the blinds checked, I bet 75 into a 90 pot, small blind called and the big blind shoved for 1500 total, I called and the small blind folded, big blind shows K9 of hearts and the turn ends it all as he hits the 10 of hearts for a straight flush, ah well, punishment for me for playing a crap hand like QJ.

Remember two blogs ago when I said I have given up all hope on making the APL State Finals? Wellllll I made it! Haha thanks to my "win" at Gosford RSL on Sunday Night I ended up second on the leaderboard! Should be a lot of fun, I've never played State before so it will be a new experience for me. Last night at APL was a load of fun at the Gosford Sailing Club, had Ty, Pete and Forbesy on my first table, so it was always going to be a lot of fun, even managed a suckout when I shoved with AQ and got two callers, they checked down a board of AQ3xx and my AQ won against Wombats AK! He's a funny character Wombat, plays some pretty solid poker until he makes one really weird play and then he is out. I ended up bubbling the final table when I shoved with 44 and got called by 88 and that was that. And Pete played oh so bad haha, it's funny watching a really good player not give a shit haha, I can't wait until he starts working at APL, going to be a lot of fun! He starts at Hardys Bay next Monday apparently, wish I could make it but I can't...WRESTLEMANIA 25 IS ON! Been looking forward to an Undertaker/Shawn Michaels match for a looooong time, it's been about 11 years since they've had a one on one match and it should be awesome! I'm predicting an Undertaker win. Also, me and Pete have decided to go hard for the Full Tilt Ironman promotion thing, so I'm going to start playing more tables and more hours, I am hoping to play 3-4 at a time and hopefully get through 20-25 a day hopefully, it's a big ask, especially with the crappy lag that Full Tilt has on my computer but I'm starting to get used to it. Anyway that's it. Stay tuned.

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